Air Incense


Air Incense


Air is the element of cool abstraction, the lofty concepts of the mind, the rational, orderly, clear cut world of ideas, ideals and theories. It expresses the principles of logic and reason. It is the faculty of thinking and the mind is its tool. The mind flies high on the energy of air. Air corresponds to the rising sun in the east. Its season is Spring and its astrological signs are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. In Christian symbolism the Archangel Uriel embodies the element of air.

Burn this incense to invoke the spiritual qualities of the element of air and let it take you on a flight into the world of ideas. Or use it to meditate and focus on gaining clarity, perspective or detachment.

Magical Collection
Air ~ Ideas, concepts, thought, knowledge, mental powers, logos, reason, visualisation, understanding.

Agrimony 25g


Agrimony 25g


These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Our ancestors ascribed this herb to Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Cancer. It is imperative that you refrain from using metal tools when gathering or preparing Agrimony for magical purposes. If collected on St. John's day (or solstice) it may be used as an amulet to attract a lover. As far back as the Middle Ages, it was also believed to be effective for curing snake bites and that, if placed under the head, it was thought to induce a deep and heavy sleep. In Germany, Agrimony was highly revered for its protective properties and is often mentioned as an ingredient of the sacred 'nine herb bundle', which was used as a panacea for practically all kinds of physical or metaphysical afflictions.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

21st September

Gone are the lazy summer days. Autumn is knocking on the door. With a last burst of exuberance the sun paints the leaves for a festive display before its final decline. Autumn equinox is a time to get busy - bringing in the last of the harvest and preserving it for the lean times to come. Now is the time of reckoning - for we shall reap as we sowed. For the moment there is plenty, a cornucopia of fruit to be grateful for and to celebrate with a harvest feast - but will it last through the dark half of the year. Autumn equinox is a day of equilibrium - night and day hold their balance - but tomorrow the dark forces are beginning to win the upper hand.

Autumn Equinox is a time to celebrate the harvest and the abundant gifts of the earth. It is a time to reflect and be grateful for that which nourishes and sustains us.

Magical Collections
Water ~ Feeling, sensitivity, psychic powers, receptivity, imagination, emotion, nurture, wisdom, love.

1st May

Fresh growth covers the ground, juicy and lush. The air is abuzz with busy bees and the Earth is decked out in her prettiest flower dress - it's the wedding day of the Goddess and the young Sun God. Fully grown and fertile they join in loving union. Nature is celebrating with them and everywhere, love is in the air. The fires of Bel are lit and people join the wedding feast of the May King and Queen, jumping the fires to purify their souls and showing the corn how high to grow.

Beltain is a time to celebrate love and life and the marvellous miracle of fertility. It is a time of divine ecstasy - full of potential yet to take shape.

Magical collections
Fire ~ Action, will-power, creativity, insight, initiative, courage, drive, enthusiasm.

Air ~ Ideas, concepts, thought, knowledge, mental powers, logos, reason, visualisation, understanding.

This incense has been dedicated to the Dragon - both, the mythical creature and the archetypal energy. The Dragon signifies the creative and regenerative powers of the Earth, a power that resides within all of us - though often it is latent. In many mythologies the symbol of the Dragon merges with that of the Serpent or 'Winged Serpent'. The Sages of India teach a technique of raising this dormant creative energy, which they call Kundalini. This incense may be burnt as an offering in Tantric rituals or Kundalini meditations and can be used to raise the Dragon power within.

Magical Collections
Mars ~ Energy, drive, courage, passion, action, dispels fear and apprehension, anti-apathetic.

Fire ~ Action, will-power, creativity, insight, initiative, courage, drive, enthusiasm.

Earth Incense


Earth Incense


Earth is the element of tactile experience, the world of the senses. It represents fertility and the power of manifestation, physical reality, pragmatism and the laws of abundance. It is the fertile ground from which life sprouts, the principle that shapes our world. Earth is associated with the midnight sun in the north. Its season is Winter and its astrological signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. In Christian mythology the Archangel Raphael represents the element of earth. Burn this incense to invoke the spiritual qualities of elemental earth and attune to the mystery of creation. Or burn it to meditate and focus on your power of manifestation, fertility and abundance.

Magical Collections
Earth ~ Practicality, five senses, material world, sensuality, manifestation, prosperity, grounding.

Fire Incense


Fire Incense


Fire is the element of action and will. It is the impulse to create and pro-create, the drive to do and pursue one's goals with passion and conviction, the fire that drives ambition and competition, desire, power and will. Fire manifests in divine inspiration or in a flash of consciousness. Fire corresponds to the Sun at its zenith in the south at mid-day. Its season is Summer and its astrological signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. In Christian symbolism the Archangel Michael embodies the element of fire. Burn this incense to invoke the spiritual qualities of elemental fire and let it ignite the creative force of the inner flame. Or burn it to meditate and focus on firing up your energy, will power and drive.

Magical Collections
Fire ~ Action, will-power, creativity, insight, initiative, courage, drive, enthusiasm.

1st August

The corn is ripening and swaying heavy with seed. It is a season of plenty. The promise of Spring is coming to fruition. The dying Sun has spent his power and burns off the last of his energy in the blazing heat of Summer. Its power has gone into the ripening fruit and grains. Lughnasadh is the feast of the corn harvest. Like the Sun-God, the grain must die - a life-giving sacrifice that sustains us through the coming dark season. This year's seed will become next year's crop and so the cycle continues for another round. Lughnasadh is the last of Summer's feasts; the wheel is inevitably turning towards the dark half of the year. It is a time to reflect on the creative power of manifestation and the divine spark within.

Magical Collections
Fire ~ Action, will-power, creativity, insight, initiative, courage, drive, enthusiasm.

Water ~ Feeling, sensitivity, psychic powers, receptivity, imagination, emotion, nurture, wisdom, love.


A calming and spiritually uplifting incense blend that may be used for any type of meditation or spiritual practice. Its beautiful fragrance emanates an air of peace and tranquillity, thus helping to put the mind at ease and keep the focus. This incense blend contains sacred herbs that are traditionally used for meditation and spiritual practices.

Magical Collections
Sun ~ Purification, self-realisation, creativity, confidence, communication with higher self.

Moon ~ Psychic sensitivity, self-reflection, fertility astral travel, visualisation, dream-work.

21st March

The sap is rising and the buds are swollen, ready to burst. Nature stirs from her Winter's slumber - the first teasing rays of the Sun tickle her awake. The birds are returning and are singing the song of the rising sun. Still timid, yet determined, the first flowers are poking their heads out above the ground - so tender, so fragile, so infinitely brave and strong. The young Sun God and the Maiden Goddess frolic playfully in the fields, innocent, yet full of anticipation of their growing power and fertility.

Spring Equinox is a time to celebrate, with wild abandon, the beauty and power of youth, the rebirth of life and the hope and potential of the coming season.

Magical Collections
Air ~ Ideas, concepts, thought, knowledge, mental powers, logos, reason, visualisation, understanding.

21st June

At the Summer Solstice the Sun has reached its climax. It is the longest day of the year. At its most glorious peak the Sun God sacrifices his power and bestows his solar seed upon the Earth womb. On this glorious day we celebrate his fertilising power, even though from now on it will be waning. The Summer Solstice is the midpoint of the year. But just as Yang contains the seed of Yin, the peak of the Sun power marks his demise - yet, his selfless sacrifice gives life to all. Summer Solstice is a time to celebrate the creative power of the sun. It is a time to reflect on both, the process of becoming and the process of death. The King is dead, long live the King.

Magical Collections
Fire ~ Action, will-power, creativity, insight, initiative, courage, drive, enthusiasm.

Water Incense


Water Incense


Water is the element of emotion and instinct, of empathy and feeling. Water is the source of life and its movements can be felt within the currents of the soul. It is the realm of instinct, intuition and the power of imagination, of dreams, reflections, memories and the inner life of the soul. Water corresponds to the setting sun in the west in the late afternoon. Its season is Autumn and its astrological signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. In Christian mythology the Archangel Gabriel represents the element of water. Burn this incense to invoke the spiritual qualities of the element of water and attune to the inner source of wisdom. Or burn it to meditate and focus on your guiding instinct, psychic intuition and the power of imagination.

Magical Collections
Water ~ Feeling, sensitivity, psychic powers, receptivity, imagination, emotion, nurture, wisdom, love.

These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Angelica has a poweful presence which demands your attention when one comes upon it in the woods. Angelica is considered an ancient power plant that protects against evil and it was and still is, carried as an amulet to ward off any form of wicked sorcery and evil. During the dark ages, when the Black Death ravaged Europe, Angelica was held in high regard for its powers to protect against this merciless killer. According to the old legend, the Holy Ghost itself visited a sleeping monk and revealed Angelica's protective powers in a dream.

Angelica is a important protector against all demons and diseases, in short, a shield against all evil. It also provides courage and brings calm to those held by fear and anxiety. Like a guardian angel, angelica provides inner strength and guidance. It promotes self-confidence and radiates a glow of health and happiness.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

Broom 25g


Broom 25g


Broom herb is used in purification and protection Spells and is also hung in the home to keep evil out. An infusion of Broom sprinkled in the home, exorcises poltergeists. 
Carry broom with you in sachets to increase psychic powers. 
It is also a good herb to use in wind magic, either to raise winds or calm them. To raise the winds, throw into the air whilst invoking the Air spirits or to calm winds, burn the herb and bury the ashes. Burn Butchers Broom Root while divining by tarot, runes, pendulum, or any other form of divination to stay focused and help access your psychic powers. Throw Butcher's Broom Root into the air to help raise the winds or burn it and scatter its ashes to help calm the wind. 

Correspondences are Masculine, Mars, Air and Chakra third eye

Wearing the bay leaves when you are giving healer, amplifies the healing, whilst also aids your success in ventures. Bay leaves are very protective, they are burnt in exorcisms and can be blessed in moon water to add strength and protection to sacred space. This protective and purifying herb can be worn as an amulet to ward of negativity and evil. To manifest your desires, write on a bay leaf what it is you desire and then burn the leaf, as it burns visualize your wish coming true. Bay leaves can also aid psychic abilities and if placed under the pillow whilst you sleep, can induce psychic dreams. Correspondences are Masculine, Fire, Sun. Leo and the third and solar chakra.

Benzoin Gum 25g


Benzoin Gum 25g


These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Benzoin is traditionally used as a base, especially for joss sticks and can be combined with many different herbs and oils for a variety of purposes. It is sacred to Aphrodite, Venus and Mut. Most commonly Benzoin is associated with love, prosperity, astral travel and shape shifting.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.


Black Cohosh is sacred to the great Goddess and Black Cohosh is used in the female mysteries. Black Cohosh is an ally for women at the initiation into the 3rd phase of womanhood. It offers protection and inner guidance by connecting body and soul. It can be used to assimilate the wisdom of the wise wound and draw upon its creative power.

Black Cohosh is commonly used in magic for banishing spells. To rid yourself or your surroundings of unwanted energy, add Black Cohosh to a spray bottle with equal parts distilled water and Witch Hazel. Use the mixture to clear a space or even to purge energy from items. You can also use Black Cohosh in love sachets, or carry it with you to help strengthen your courage. 

Black cohosh is believed to aid courage and determination.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

Cinnamon has a wide range of magical uses. Cinnamon can be used to consecrate your spaces or magical tools. Burn cinnamon to stimulate your spiritual powers and increase your psychic ability and awareness. Cinnamon can be used to protect your home from negative energies. Use sticks of cinnamon to make a bouquet for protection and hang above your front door to protect the home and those in it. Add cinnamon chips, powder, oil or sticks to your spell bottles, jar, and bags for your intention or to amplify the effects of the spell. Cinnamon is a known strengthener of any magical intention.

You can also burn cinnamon sticks inside your home as a smudge stick. Cinnamon gives the whole house a delicious smell of baked goods.

To speeds up spells, add cinnamon to your spells to help them manifest faster

Correspondences include Masculine, Fire, Sun, Mars, Aries and Root, Solar and  Sacral Chakra.

These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

There are many fantastic stories told about this incredible herb, and its common names, bone-knit, boneset, bruisewort, knit bone and the like attest to its healing power. Comfrey, a member of the Borage family, has long been a standard first aid remedy in any herbal medicine chest.

In Medieval times Comfrey was used in sympathetic magic for healing bones. In modern magic it is recommended for safe travels and also to safeguard one's luggage.

Use Comfrey in spells when your intention is set on manifesting long-term goals. It can be carried for safety and good health while travelling or when away from home and is used to unblock your root chakra.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

 Copal derives from various types of Bursera trees that are native to the Americas and related to Frankincense and Myrrh. True Copal was and still is the most important incense of the Maya. Sacred to the Aztecs and Incas. it was burnt it as their main offering to the Gods. Copal is highly regarded as one of the sacred gums burnt for purification, protection against the evil eye and the demons of disease, healing, love and divination.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.


Carrying Echinacea will provide you with a sense of inner strength and is said to bring success and admiration of colleagues. Brought into the home as a protection charm bag, it will draw prosperity and protect from poverty. It is said to prevent financial hardship. The root can be burnt in cleansing and purification rituals and will add strength to any ritual. It will add strength to spells and defensive magic.  It is an appropriate offering to place spirits and river Goddesses. Echinacea is believed to amplify and open the psychic channels. The correspondences include element of Earth, Masculine, Mars, and the chakras solar plexus, heart and root.

These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

The Elder tree, common to every hedge in England, is one of the most magical plants in the hedge-witches repertoire. Old names like Holler, Hylder, Hyllantree, and the German word Holunder or Hylde Moer, as she was known in Denmark, all refer to an ancient Goddess to whom the Elder-tree was sacred, in times gone by. It was believed that the Elder tree was inhabited by a tree-dryad, which  could be kind or fierce, depending on how it was treated. Those who respected the Elder tree and never cut its branches were protected and blessed, but this could not be said for those who dared to cut into the sacred wood. 

The magnificient Elder is a very magical tree and sacred to the Great Goddess, who presides over the mysteries of life, death and rebirth. The Elder symbolises fertility and rejuvenation as well as the realm of magic and healing. It is a great tree of protection, and the carefully gathered twigs of it were often pinned over the doors to ward off evil spirits. It is grown close to the home to benefit from its healing and protective powers and to protect the farm against lightening flashes. But above all, Elder trees are linked to the realm of the fairies and it was said that one might see their procession passing by if one hid in an Elder grove on St. John's night (drinking some Elder champagne).

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

The well-known Elder tree, common to every hedge in England, is one of the most magical plants in the hedge-witches repertoire. Old names like Holler, Hylder, Hyllantree, and the German word Holunder or Hylde Moer, as she was known in Denmark, all refer to an ancient vegetation Goddess to whom the Elder-tree was sacred, in times gone by. Elder was thought to be inhabited by a tree-dryad, which embodied its soul. The dryad could be kind or fierce, depending on how it was treated. Those who respected the Elder tree and never cut its branches were protected and blessed, but woe to those who dared to lay an axe on the sacred wood. The only good reason to pick at any part of the Elder tree was for medicine, if one solemnly explained one's purpose and asked permission from the tree. Elder indeed has truly amazing medicinal powers, so much so that some people have termed them 'a poor person's medicine chest', as a little book published in 1644 testifies, which was entirely dedicated to the virtues of Elder. The author praises the Elder-tree in no less than 230 pages. The booklet became so popular that it ran through several editions in both, the English and the Latin version. Every single part of the plant was mentioned as medicinally useful. Reference is even made to an edible fungus known as 'Judas Ear', which often appears on Elders that grow in damp and shady places. Accordingly, its medicinal powers were deemed effective for treating quinsy, sore throats and strangulation. (Judas was thought to have hanged himself from an Elder tree, which is why Elder never since could grow into a tall, upright tree.) The various parts of the Elder tree itself were deemed effective for practically any ailment, 'from toothache to the plague'.

The magical Elder tree is sacred to the Great Goddess, who presides over the mysteries of life, death and rebirth and as such, the Elder tree symbolises fertility and rejuvenation as well as the realm of magic and healing. The Elder is often planted as a tree of protection, and twigs of it were often pinned over the doors to ward off evil spirits. It was grown near the house to benefit from its healing and protective powers and to protect the farm against lightening flashes. Elder trees are linked to the realm of the fairies.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

A gum which has for a long time been established within history for the use as an incense in Christian and Pre-Christian spiritual traditions. In ancient Egypt they were burnt to honour the Sun-God Ra. It is cited in the Bible that the three Sages brought offerings of Frankincense and Myrrh to honour the birth of Jesus. Both Frankincense and Myrrh are still widely used in the Roman Catholic Church, as well as in many other spiritual traditions. The scent of these divine gums is both spiritually uplifting and purifying.

Magically, frankincense is one of the oldest documented magical resins.  For over 5000 years, frankincense has been used to purify and cleanse sacred places.  Frankincense has also been used in a variety of healing rituals. Frankincense is believed to have the ability to cleanse a space, offer protection and aid mediatation. It is often used as an offering to the gods.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.





Hyssop 25g


Hyssop 25g


These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Also reffered to as 'Holy Herb', as it was believed that Hyssop was the sacred herb used to pass the vinegar soaked sponge to Jesus Christ whilst on the crucifix. Magickally Hyssop is used in water to cleanse ritual spaces. Hyssop os a powerful protection herb which keeps all negative energies at bay. It is ideal for cleansing the aura and to consecrate magical working tools.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

 Juniper has been our closest magical plant ally since Neolithic times. it was mentioned in the ancient Egyptian papyri; its fragrant wood, needles and berries were used as incense and medicine. It is believed to have the power to ward off evil and that demons or devils could not withstand its power, not even the demons of disease. Cleansing a space with Juniper will kill off germs and purify the air in a sick room. When the Black Death ravaged Europe, Juniper was one of the most promising and effective protectors however, it was also considered a protector of the threshold between this world and the next. Like Yew, it was thought to keep safe the souls of the dead until they were ready to reincarnate. This is why they were often planted on graves. In Egypt they also played a role in the mysteries of the dead. Juniper berries were found in the sarcophagi and also in the hand of one of the pharaohs. Juniper was held in high respect and as such the public would tip their hats in passing. All sorts of magical powers were ascribed to it: It was said to retrieve lost objects, protect against venomous beasts and guard against spells of faintness and weakness, to name but a few. Juniper repels biting bugs and its stimulating properties can 'preserve the spirit' and prevent dizziness and weakness.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Ladies Mantle is a herb of the rose family, it's flowers are barely noticeable with their tiny clusters of yellow-green. These pearls of magical dew were considered to be essential to the Alchemist's work in producing the Philosopher's stone. It is a herb held in high regard in the workings of the Alchemy. A herb of Freya, it is often used in fertility magic and also for protection. Used in faerie law as the fae appreciate this sacred plant which they collect and drink as a magical elixar.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

Lavender 25g


Lavender 25g


Lavender has a vast list of magical properties including magical work for joy, love, calm, protection, peaceful sleep, spiritual connections, cleansing and purification, luck and peace. Try hanging some dried lavender in your home to safeguard your space. It is also strong when used in magic to attract love, wear a sprig of lavender or lavender essence on your person to attract love, or include it in love spells to attract a partner. Correspondences include Masculine, Mercury, Air. The chakra is the third eye although there is a belief that Lavender essential oil works on all 7 chakras.

Often burnt on charcoal discs to break unhealthy habits, to purify the mind and body and to cleanse a space of negative energies and malevolent spells. Often used in love spells though needs to be without changing the will of anyone else. It can be worn to attract partners, whilst worn around the neck it is said to stop dreams. Added to charm and protection bags. Correspondences include Air, Mercury, Masculine and Solar Plexus.

Sold out

Lovage 25g

Sold out

Lovage 25g


These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Lovage was also believed to have the power to induce attraction but it could affect both men and women. Mothers would bathe their daughters in lovage, so that when they’d grow up they’d be attractive. A boy bathed in lovage would easily find a girlfriend when he grew up. Some picked the plant at midnight during a full moon, is the most potent.

Lovage is often used in love workings and also home protection spells. It is believed that Lovage Herb gives courage in love, it deepens and evokes the genuine feeling and removes any sexual blocks. It also attracts good and reliable friends. It even helps to get a well-paid job, wealth, and success.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.


These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Also referred to as 'Queen of the Meadow', this lovely fragrant member of the Rose family is indeed a queen. It commonly grows in marshy grounds, and it is here that the white flower plume appears like fairy mist among other, bolder herbs. The five petaled flowers are delicate, accentuated by the fact that they never open all at once. The flowers have a sweet, almond like fragrance is quite different from that of the leaves, which is more reminiscent of wintergreen.

Held in high regard as one of the Druid's herbs. In the Mabinogion it is told that, among other herbs, Meadowsweet served as a magical ingredient to create the flower maiden 'Bloddeuedd' who was to be the wife of Llew Llaw Gyffes. It is because of this that it is often associated with love magic. Alas, the magical marriage did not last. Meadowsweet may be more suitable for finding a passionate but short-lived affair rather than marital bliss. It is also associated with providing the owner with courage and protection and may be used to attune to the fairy realm.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

Mistletoe 25g


Mistletoe 25g


These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Surrounded by more myths and legends than most plants, mistletoe is placed between heaven and earth. This plant was very much revered by the druids and deemed especially powerful if found on or around an oak tree. Mistletoe is believed to bestow fortune, health and wealth as well as fetility. It is the sacred herb of the Winter Solstice, a time which is associated with transformation, regeneration and rebirth.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

Mugwort 25g


Mugwort 25g


Mugwort grows around the world, and so many cultures have different uses for it. The Aztecs considered Mugwort a sacred plant and used it for incense. In modern witchcraft it is used primarily as a visionary herb. In witchcraft traditions, it has long been used to induce and amplify lucid dreaming, for astral projection, and to enhance psychic powers. When placed in a pouch under a pillow, the dried flowering tops of the plant are said to promote vivid dreams. Native Americans also burned Mugwort to purify the spiritual and physical environment around them. In ancient China, Japan, and Europe, people would use the weed to ward off evil spirits. A herb of the Goddess as Crone, Mugwort encourages wisdom and observation. When paired with any other divinatory method, Mugwort is an excellent helper for confronting difficult truths. It is said to protect against mischievous elves and evil spirits and was used in anti-daemonic spells, particularly at the beginning of the year or at winter solstice. Wormwood was also sprinkled around the house or hung above the windows and doors to ward off evil spirits and disease. Correspondences include Feminine, Moon and Earth and the chakra third eye.

These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Nettles seem to grow anywhere and everywhere, giving the impression that they must be virtually indestructible. They are, in fact, sensitive to deep freezes. Nettles are valuable warrior plants: they grow most prolifically where the soil has been over-fertilized with nitrates and they can also ‘detox’ sites that are polluted with heavy metals. 

Stinging Nettles have long been used for their protective qualities, their stings are believed to ward off negative, or demonic energies, and to protect against fires. Hang above doors or sow into amulets. Farmers hung them up in the barn to keep their cattle safe and the milk from going off. Nettles are associated with Maundy Thursday, the holy day of the thunder god Thor, and with the Summer Solstice.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Red clover can be used magically [not to be consumed] when working to ease menopausal problems. It is also used within protection magic, spirit communication, faerie magic and prosperity spells. Red clover removes negative spirits, is used in lust potions, and brings prosperity.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

Red Sage 25g


Red Sage 25g


These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Sage (Salvia Officinalis] is among the most popular aromatic herbs, and that was very popular in ancient times.

Its name is based on the word salvus, which means health.

Red Sage is masculine, aligns with the planet Juniper and the element Air. is a variety of ordinary Garden Sage. Both varieties have scores of uses. The chief difference between the two is the colour of their leaves and their essential oil content. The leaves of Red Sage have a reddish tint, while regular Sage is greyish-green in colour. Both plants produce essential oils, but Red Sage oil is stronge. Red Sage can be used like regular Garden Sage, for cleansing, healing rituals, and protection. 

Sage is carried to promote wisdom, and the leaves are used in countless healing and money spells. To guard yourself against contracting the dreaded evil eye wear a small horn filled with sage. 

If you desire to make a wish come true, write it on a sage leaf and hide it beneath your pillow. For three nights sleep upon it. If once you dream of what you desire your wish will be materialized; if not, bury the sage in the ground so that you do not come to harm.

  • It is being used in bathwater or burning incense, to help you with clarity, rationality, and excellent solvency to solve problems and conflicting circumstances.
  • It provides discernment and mental clarity, so it is widely used in rituals where you want to know an answer or know a truth (or discover a lie).
  • It is very suitable to spray an office with sage tea so that all the members have the great mental clarity to work and face projects.
  • It is one of the natural herbs “anti-illusion” since it fosters the rationality of thought against the excessive expectation of illusions that can be vain or false.
  • It allows to distinguish them and opt for the most rational answer.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

Rosemary 25g


Rosemary 25g


These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Rosemary reminds us of our highest consciousness, it is a herb of memeory and remembrance. rosemary aids students in memory and recall. This gentle herb is ideal for magic spells to ease and aid grieving and also depression. Whilst it is known to be a gentle herb, it is also very powerful in protection and purifying magical workings. It cleanses rooms of negative energies and demons of disease. Rosemary aids vigour, courage, wisdom and strength.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

Sage 25g


Sage 25g


It was used in the Middle Ages to treat fevers, liver disease and epilepsy. In England, the tea drunk as a healthful tonic. It was also believed to strengthen the memory. An old English custom state that eating Sage every day in May will grant immortality. It was also said that a woman who ate sage cooked in wine would never be able to conceive and its fresh leaves were said to cure warts.
Usually used in a smudge stick, but can also be burnt on charcoal discs, it has long been used for cleansing. Sage also can bring prosperity, and many add to an abundance bag. Placed on your altar it can bring clarity of mind and can also be used as an offering to the crone Goddess, this herb is associated with wisdom and experience. Should you feel trapped in an unhealthy relationship, sage is ideal to rid any unhealthy desires or negative attention. Sage has been burnt at funerals and memorial ceremonies as Sage facilitates healthy grief and bonding with the spirits of those who passed on. To make a wish, write your wish on a sage leaf and sleep with it under your pillow for three days and then bury it. If you feel drained emotionally surround the base of a blue candle with sage and burn to heal emotions. Correspondences, Masculine, Air and Earth, Jupiter and Moon, Gemini. Third, crown and sacral chakra

Sandalwood is one of the most sacred trees in the world. It has numerous spiritual and magical properties. The heartwood of this tree (which has a sweet and uplifting fragrance) has been used since ancient times for prayer, meditation, relaxation, healing, protection, cleansing and for even for accessing higher states of consciousness.

The scent of the heartwood (inner trunk) of this tree is considered sacred similar to Agarwood, Palo Santo and Frankincense resin. The heartwood takes many long years to develop and this contributes to its powerful energy within that can be utilized for many spiritual & magical purposes. The heartwood is heavy and depending on the type can be yellow to reddish brown in color. It is known to retain its powerful fragrance for decades. sandalwood is also said to have a powerful energy to it that is associated with raising your vibration and offering powerful protection against negative energy.

Sandalwood is believed to have a deeply healing effect on the mind, body and spirit. The fragrance of this wood can have a deeply calming effect on your being and helps activate and align all your base as well as higher energy centers. This is why Sandalwood has been used for meditative and contemplative practices in many cultures across the world since ancient times.

In Hinduism, sandalwood is linked to wealth and prosperity as it is believed that Goddess Lakshmi (the Goddess of wealth and prosperity) lives in the sandalwood tree. In fact, the sandalwood tree is known as ‘Sriganda’ which translates to ‘The scent that is dearest to the Goddess‘.

Since ancient times, sandalwood has symbolized spirituality and spiritual devotion. The wood of this tree has been used in prayers and offerings to the divine. The wood has also been used to build temples, statues of deities and other valuable things used in spiritual rituals. The cooling properties of the wood has been said to open the third eye and crown chakras and aid spirituality and connection to higher consciousness, which is why in Hinduism there is a tradition to apply sandalwood paste on the forehead, neck and chest areas.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

Skullcap 25g


Skullcap 25g


These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Magically this herb has been used for cleansing in cases where a menstruation taboo has been broken. It also can be used for exorcism and to protect the practitioner on spirit journeys., consecrate vows and to prevent disharmony. Skullcap is used magically to bind oaths.

It may be made into a Mojo Bag with two small Lodestones by women who wish to keep their husbands faithful. (Other herbs which may be added to such a nation sack include Periwinkle and Basil. The hand will be stronger if you also add the man’s hair or his “measure.”)

Used in hoodoo for attracting gifts of money. A nice herb to grow that does not call attention to itself or yell “witch!” in your garden but still has excellent magical uses.

It may be made into a Mojo Bag with two small Lodestones by women who wish to keep their husbands faithful. (Other herbs which may be added to such a nation sack include Periwinkle and Basil. The hand will be stronger if you also add the man’s hair or his “measure.”)

Used in hoodoo for attracting gifts of money. A nice herb to grow that does not call attention to itself or yell “witch!” in your garden but still has excellent magical uses.

It may be made into a Mojo Bag with two small Lodestones by women who wish to keep their husbands faithful. (Other herbs which may be added to such a nation sack include Periwinkle and Basil. The hand will be stronger if you also add the man’s hair or his “measure.”)

Its planetary element is Saturn and is said to be solid and forceful. With its element is water, it is associated with the Goddess of the Hearth Hestia. It brings love, peace and fidelity.

Skullcap is one of the herbs has often been used to bind oaths and consecrate vows & commitments (handfasting, initiations, etc.). Can be used to seal a relationship that will extend beyond this life. For this purpose Skullcap may be worn, burned as incense, or used as an oil. Skullcap can be added to the bath as a soak (add some herb to Epsom salts or other bath salts in a mesh bag) to calm the aura and cleanse the away tensions and stress. You can use it in spells for relief from disharmony and disruptive situations.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

Used for ritual purification and cleansing, broom is often used in rites of passage as it gives direction to the soul and aids connection with the higher realms. It is also burnt as an offering to please the Gods. Broom is also used to protect against negative energies and to attract energies which serve your highest good. Often used in the practice of clairvoyance, psychic awareness and spiritual connection. The perfect herb for working with the New Moon for manifestation.

Placed under the pillow it promotes good dreams. Planet Jupiter. Both genders. Chakra – third eye and crown.

These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

The Greeks used valerian to ward off evil, hanging valerian bunches in windows. The Celts hung it in their homes to ward off lightning. One belief regarding its power was that if you tossed it into a fight, those involved would cease instantly. The herb was included in both love and sleep potions. Other magical uses include purification, such as consecrating ritual tools, promoting peace, breaking hexes, and providing stability and happiness. Valerian is used for grounding during emotional turbulence and for aiding in creativity. It is also employed to help in communication during conflict and connect humans to beings in the Other Realm. When seeking the truth behind secrets, valerian is thought to help one access hidden knowledge.

Valerian can be used for exorcism and counter magic. It is said to protect against lightening and against the evil sorcery. Valerian is an herb of peace. Valerian can be used as an offering to the Goddess Bast, and may be the perfect gift to delight your feline familiar or ally. Valerian is sometimes used as an aphrodisiac, though its action is relaxing rather than stimulating.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

Vervain 25g


Vervain 25g


These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans and even to the Druids, this herb was revered like few others. It was said to cure everything and for many centuries it was used by every priest, magician and witch. Vervain was regarded as an herb of Isis or Venus, the Great Goddess, mother of the universe, Goddess of magic and the mysteries of life and death. It was used by the Romans as a cleansing herb to sweep and purify their altars. Vervain was said to protect against evil and even believed to ward off the devil himself. That did not stop witches and magicians from using it as a magic wand in just about any spell or ritual. The Druids seemed to associate Vervain with Sirius and according to Pliny the Elder, they ritually harvested the herb in August, when the dogstar is visible, but neither the sun nor the moon could be seen in the sky.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

The name Witch Hazel is derived from the old English word 'wytch' which refers to our ancestors using hazel for dowsing, the native Americans also used hazel in healing ceremonies and was referred to as 'Pond's Extract'.Today Hazel twigs are, with permission from the tree, cut and used as dowsing rods. Witch Hazel has an affinity witht he element of water and continues to be widely used in weather magic.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

Wormwood 25g


Wormwood 25g


These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Wormwood (Artemisa absinthium L.) is indigenous to the temperate climate zones of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Today, it occurs throughout Europe and Asia in areas of temperate climate, moreover, in North and South America. Most often it can be found in fields and balks, on the edges of roads and the forests. Other common names of the plant include absinthium, absinthe wormwood, green ginger, grand wormwood.

Wormwood is a powerful protective plant. Our Neolithic ancestors used Wormwood and Mugwort as their primary sacred herbs for smudging and cleansing. Wormwood clears the psychic channels and can be used for astral travel and channelling. In folk-magical practice it was used to protect the grain or growing crops against mice, vermin and insects. It is said to protect against mischievous elves and evil spirits and was used in anti-daemonic spells, particularly at the beginning of the year or at winter solstice. Wormwood was also sprinkled around the house or hung above the windows and doors to ward off evil spirits and disease. Wormwood is used to remove anger, stop war, inhibit violent acts, and for protection from the evil eye. Carry in vehicles to protect from accidents on dangerous roads. Use as incense for clairvoyance, to summon spirits, or to enhance divinatory abilities.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.

Yarrow 25g


Yarrow 25g


These herbs are sold for magickal purposes and not for human consumption. All herbs purchased are cleansed and magically charged on my altar prior to dispatch.

Yarrow is widely used for protection and for courage. Yarrow also cleanses the third eye and will aid chakra balancing. It can be used carefully and respectfully for love divination and is believed to seal the bonds of friendship however, be mindful that you are not demanding the firendship or trying to change the will of others. Yarrow will also aid witht he balancing of Yin and Yan when working with the I Ching.

DISCLAIMER this products carries no guarantees of magical results. It is important that the necessary mundane work is done alongside the magical work. This is sold to be used magickally and not to be consumed.